デフォルト機材用 無料FMCのご案内


To be a successful pilot on VATSIM you need to know how to get where you are going! The good people at Virtual Aviation Suite have made available a FREE flight managment computer (FMC) for pilots. Did we mention it's FREE?

The VAS project team is very proud to announce the next release (version 2.0 alpha 9) of their free and open vasFMC.

This latest and greatest release contains the following key features:

* Support for 3 different platforms:
- Gauge Version for MS FS2004
- Standalone Version for MS FS2002/FS2004/FSX
- Standalone Version for XPlane Win32/Mac/Linux
* Fly by wire system (only usable with MS FS and tuned for the Project Airbus models)
* Level-D terminal procedures support
* Includes AIRAC 0609 navigation database with terminal procedures (thanks to Navigraph)

GO HERE: http://www.vas-project.org/
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